Johanna N.Y. Franklin

Current Teaching

I'll be on Special Research Leave in Fall 2024, but I am looking forward to being back in Spring 2025 to teach Financial Mathematics (MATH 095), Linear Algebra (MATH 135A), and prep courses for Exam P/1 and Exam FM/2!

Teaching Experience

Teaching workshops attended

W Teaching Orientation (a workshop on teaching writing courses)
Promoting Student Engagement in the Classroom
Using Informal Writing in Small and Large Classes

Teaching Science Seminar: Science and Writing: A Dialogue
Orientation to Teaching at Dartmouth

National University of Singapore
Ideas on Assessing and Improving Presentations
Teaching a Large Class and (gasp!) Loving It

UC, Berkeley
Teaching Conference (required for all new TAs at Berkeley)
GSI Professional Standards and Ethics Online Course (required for all new TAs at Berkeley)
Teaching a Large Lecture Course
Syllabus and Course Design